Quality in non-formal education and training in the field of European youth work

Last Updated On June 14, 2018
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 Quality in non-formal education and training in the field of European youth work Learning for changeQuality in non-formal education and training in the field of European youth work

Helmut Fennes and Hendrik Otten September 2008

The original objective for this study was to define the competences required for European-level training in the youth field, which then would serve as a basis for respective European-level training courses for trainers.

When starting to work on this study, it became evident to the authors that they first needed to address a number of other issues which determine in some way these trainers’ competences: youth work in a European context and, subsequently, the situation and needs of those who should be trained – youth workers and youth leaders; approaches, principles and methodologies of non-formal education, in particular in the youth field and in a European context; the understanding and concepts of quality in education and, in particular, quality standards for non-formal education in the youth field. Only then it would be possible to address the issue of the respective trainers’ competences which are necessary to meet these quality standards.

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