Youth of the world – toolkit on Global Education in Youth Work

Last Updated On June 14, 2018
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 Youth of the world – toolkit on Global Education in Youth Work Learning for changeYouth of the world

Toolkit on Global Education in Youth Work

This publication has been produced with the financial support of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of C.E.G.A. Foundation and can not in any way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.

By reviewing available resources on global education in youth work, the writing team concluded that there are many Global Education resources available. Therefore, the project team decided to use a product-based approach in order to connect real life experiences of young people in Europe to lived experiences of people across the globe. Therefore, the toolkit is divided into six main chapters, representing different commodities related to the everyday lives of young people: Water, Tobacco, Chocolate, Textiles, Mobile Phones and Meat. The products are used as a starting point for exploring global realities and global interdependencies. All activities address at least one of the following crosscutting global education themes: sustainable development, rights, diversity, health and lifestyle choices, social justice and equity, globalisation and interdependence.

Download the toolkit – Globalization Manual