Meetings with the soul – a collection of soul-poems

Last Updated On June 14, 2018
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 Meetings with the soul – a collection of soul-poems Learning for changeMeetings with the soul

a collection of soul-poems

These poems are written by the people who participated in the international training course Steps on the Wheel, which took place in Romania, from 10-19 July 2016.

Soul poetry is a simple way of accessing our profound thoughts, deep feelings, powerful visions. It is a way of being vulnerable and honest, grounded and open, simple and wise. It is a way of letting ourselves overwhelmed by the revelations of life. Soul poetry shouldn’t be perceived as the mastery of specialized poets, but rather as a playground through which we can experience the beautiful realms of life. Thus, Soul poetry is for each and every one of us.

Download the booklet – Meetings with the soul – a collection of soul-poems