Awakening of ecological consciousness
In today’s Western society, the values of consumerism, conformity and industrial growth rule. All of them have proven to be toxic and destructive to the Big Web of Life of which humans are an integral part. By destroying nature, using it as a mere resource for personal profit, we are destroying the future of our children and grandchildren.
Humanity needs an urgent change, to transform this world of deepening inequality, violence, addictions and continuing disconnection from nature (both external and internal), into one based on peace, equality, real freedom, and connection to ourselves, others and the rest of the natural world.
There is a need for people who, through their actions, demonstrate a life based on ecocentric values. People creating and affirming a life-enhancing culture, who inspire future generations of youth for psychological, spiritual and professional growth in harmony with nature. People laying the foundation for a future built on environmental justice, deep spirituality, compassion and acceptance.
The awakening and development of Ecological Consciousness is one of the first steps in such a change. Raising the awareness of youth and social workers, psychologists, and educators about the ecological role of humans and humanity is a guarantee for the ecological awakening of future generations.
Ecological consciousness offers a life of service to the cause of the Great Turning (the shift from an industrial growth society to a life-sustaining civilization) and surrender of all vital power, intellectual and physical capacity to the realization of the life’s goal of caring for the more-than-human-world and thus elevating humanity from a life-destroying to a life-enhancing culture.