Venue – educational center “SCHOOL IN NATURE”
The training course will take place in the Educational centre “School in Nature” in Gudevica village. The centre is situated in the mountain next to the Greek border in thinly populated region. There is NO PERMANENT WIRELESS INTERNET ACCESS in the centre.
The educational centre “School in Nature” is placed in an old school building surrounded by beautiful nature, high in the Rhodopy Mountains. There are a lot of nature phenomena around – Springs of Arda River, Uhlovica and Golubovica caves, Peak Kom and also natural reserves. Today in the village live only 18 people.
The place is RURAL AND REMOTE. So you need to be ready to live close to the nature, in a small community far from the city civilization! You would enjoy the place if you are a person who likes outdoors and country life.
The accommodation will be in a village house (hut-type) with big common sleeping rooms. There are separate rooms for women and men. The beds are equipped with sheets, blankets and sleeping bags. There are two bathrooms with hot water in the house. There is also an outdoor bathroom (with amazing view to the sunset). The toilets in the centre are 5 – 2 internal and 3 external compost ones. There is also a possibility to use tents and camping equipment for free if anybody wants.
During the training rich and healthy VEGETARIAN food will be served. It will include products from local farmers, homemade cheese, butter and milk and lots of vegetables and grains.