Trainers team


The trainers’ team has a rich history in providing life changing experiences in safe but challenging learning environments. The guides of the learning process are professional youth workers, international trainers, persons with strong backgrounds in human development and psychology, with high ethics and working principles. The team is composed of:


 Trainers team Learning for changeOGNIAN GADOULAROV (Bulgaria) is a passionate naturalist, rock climber and expert of wildlife, birds and forests. For 11 years, he has been working in the field of non-formal education and personal development. Ognian supports people to unfold their full potential in life and to discover themselves. He is a trainer with interests and experience in meditation, yoga and energy practices. His favourite topics are personal development, self-discovery, responsible consumption, sustainability and environmental protection. He lives as an activist for cultural evolution, re-sacredtising life and reconnecting people with more-than-human-world. As a participant in the Great Turning, he likes to be known as Fire of Life and The Tree Listener, dedicated to the Great work for fair future for all living and nonliving beings on Earth.

Ognian is part of Nature-based Wholing and Self-healing Wild Mind Training Programme (WMTP) at Bill Plotkin’s Animas Valley Institute, Colorado, USA.



 Trainers team Learning for changeLUCIE KLEIN (France) At the heart of Lucie lies a commitment to serve the soulful unfolding of all beings. From the red rock canyons of Utah to the dark forests of Transylvania, she has tracked and crafted her soul gifts. As a Chrysotherapist, Soul Initiation Guide and Geomancer, she dances with the veil between the worlds, exploring the subtle movements and voices of the human heart and soul, listening for their echo in the voice of the Earth. She is a lover of the wild, a guardian of thresholds and a guide through life-passages. Through her deep listening and fierce loving, she tracks people’s mystery stories throughout life and guides them to awaken to their soul-rooted purpose.

Lucie is part of the Nature-based Soul Initiation Guiding Soulcraft Apprenticeship and Initiation Programme (SAIP) at Bill Plotkin’s Animas Valley Institute, Colorado, USA. She has over 10 years of experience in guiding groups and individuals in transformational, nature and arts-based settings. She has pioneered several nature-based healing and wholing and soul initiation programs for communities across Europe and Latin America. She is the founding director of Via Magus ( .