Project start “MOVING BEYOND – innovative learning tools for personal and professional development of youth”
From September 2018 until August 2020, will be implemented the project “MOVING BEYOND – innovative learning tools for personal and professional development of youth”, coordinated by Romanian association “Dreams for Life” in partnership with Learning for Change Foundation from Bulgaria and allaZOYME from Cyprus.
This project is funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union through the Romanian National Agency (ANPCDEFP) under KA2, Strategic Partnerships, with the number – 2018-2-RO01-KA205-049977.
The project “MOVING BEYOND – innovative learning tools for personal and professional development of youth” is developed in order to promote quality youth work, to foster the social inclusion and promote the empowerment of young people, mainly the marginalized ones.
These aspects are clearly reflected in the project aim which is defined as: “To foster quality and multidimensional improvements in youth work, in order to reach and empower marginalized young people, thus supporting their transition from youth to adulthood, their integration into the labor market and the chances for social inclusion and education.”
The aim of this project is to stimulate high quality youth work among specific stakeholders and actors in the youth field in order to better enhance the competences of the youth. The project is dedicated to the specifics of the marginalized youth. All the activities are specifically build in order to address the social inclusion of marginalized youth. With this project we are contributing to the social inclusion of marginalized youth and their empowerment. It develops innovative tools (activities, intellectual outputs, learning mobilities, etc.) that will be used by youth workers in order to contribute more efficiently to the personal and professional development of marginalized youth.
- To increase the capacity of youth organizations in reaching out and empowering marginalized youth.
- To develop innovative effective tools and methods to be used by youth workers for Improving the access, participation and learning outcomes of those in disadvantaged groups and reducing the disparities that may arise between the results obtained by different groups.
- To enhance the competencies of youth workers to be able to use innovative tools and methods for improving the access, participation and learning outcomes of those in disadvantaged groups.
- To disseminate and multiply the project tangible and intangible results and intellectual outputs for allowing greater synergies across all fields of actions concerning youth.
- To foster the inclusion and employability of youth with fewer opportunities (including NEETs), with particular emphasis in youth at risk of marginalization.
- 66 youth workers from Romania, Bulgaria and Cyprus will be trained for gaining professional competencies for working with marginalized youth.
- 300 youth workers from Romania, Bulgaria and Cyprus will attend multiplier events.
- 24 marginalized youth will participate in a youth exchange and will gain new life skills and professional competencies and they will have more chances on the labor market.
- Manual – how to produce positive changes in youth
- Transformation pocketbook for youth
- Youth worker’s intervention toolkit for transforming youth
- Webinars – learning for mastering youth work
All the project results will be accessible to a large number of youth workers.
For more details about the project you can contact Ognian Gadoularov – project coordinator from the side of Bulgarian partner “Learning for Change” Foundation, at