Обучителен курс “Trees that are rooted: Embracing the human outer nature” в Кипър

 Обучителен курс “Trees that are rooted: Embracing the human outer nature” в Кипър Учене за промяна


Фондация “Учене за промяна” набира двама участници за обучителен курс, 15 – 23.10.2021, финансиран по програма Еразъм + в Кипър.


Срок за кандидатстване 22.09.2021


„Trees that are rooted: Embracing the human outer nature“ е тренинг, за младежки работници от различни страни. Темата е разкрване и изследване ресурсите на човешкия потенциал чрез природно базирани активности и соматични и двигателни практики (embodiment). Курсът цели да допринесе за по-устойчив и приобщаващ свят за всички хора.

Работния език е английски.


Ако се интересувате от участие моля да попълните следната електронна форма за кандидатстване не по късно от 22.09.2021 – ТУК

Подробна информация за обучението ще намерите в информационния пакет – Call for participants



Ето и описание на тренинга на английски:

The idea of the project “Trees that are rooted”

Being youth workers, we observe how the situation among young people in the whole Europe is changing. Some young people are struggling with unemployment, many young people become inactive citizens, or fall into depression. Moreover, the big wave of refugees towards Europe the past couple of years highlights the risk for social exclusion, the human rights violation and the lack of intercultural dialogue. In addition, several reports and researches explain that youth are drawn into violent radicalization in their search for identity, a purpose and a meaningful place in society because they feel injustice and frustration about their exclusion and vulnerability. In this context, our work as youth workers becomes essential to address the situation of youth. We decided to name our project “Trees that are rooted” with a vision to train youth workers to nurture the young people holistically. This is because we believe that young people need to be rooted firstly in themselves, secondly in their community and last in the whole world, just like the trees do.

This is why our project encloses two activities/training courses for youth workers:

  1. The 1st training course “Trees that are rooted – Nurturing young people’s inner nature – 16-24 July 2021 in Czech Republic focuses young people’s inner nature, self-awareness and self-embracement.
  2. The 2nd training course “Trees that are rooted – Embracing outer nature” – Autum 2021 in Cyprus. This training course advances on the solid “rooting” in the previous training and extending it into the being with others, engaging in meaningful peer relationships, belonging to the world, manifesting the gifts of the inner nature (identity) in the world.

About the first training course

“Nurturing young people’s inner nature”, July 2021, Czech Republic

WHY – Aims
  • To explore the reality of hard to reach youth and the reasons that drag them to radicalization, focusing more on their search for identity
  • To enhance the understanding of youth workers regarding the developmental stages of young people, as well as the needs, opportunities and risks in each stage.
  • To explore innovative theories and educational approaches that youth workers can use in order to improve their work with hard to reach young people.
  • To develop their skills in working with hard to reach youth.
  • To increase youth worker’s motivation and inspiration to work further with youth, especially the ones who are hard to reach and at risk of radicalization
  • To develop sustainable follow-up actions targeting hard to reach young people that youth workers will implement in the period of 3 months after the training.
WHAT – Topics
  • Ecocentric-development: understanding the reality of the young people
  • Emotional intelligence: knowing and working with my own feelings
  • Mindfulness: maintaining an inner peace
  • Nature connection: deepening the relation with ourselves and the earth
  • Self-awareness: Knowing my values
  • Positive Psychology: Living a meaningful life
  • Self-compassion: embracing the self
HOW – Methods
  • Work with peers (we will be sharing, talking, listening, empowering)
  • Self-reflection (time alone thinking, assessing, writing and planning)
  • Nature based activities (being and working outside in the nature)
  • Experiential learning (we will be playing, doing, testing, analyzing the experiences and listening to different perspectives)
  • Daily rituals (we will repeat every day in the morning and afternoon)
  • Planting trees,
  • Interaction with local youth,
  • Arts, theatre (creating, playing, having fun, laughing)
  • Embodied and holistic learning (creating space for connecting through the body, physical state, emotions, feelings, energy, not only through the mind and thinking)
Who is it for

This training course is for you, if you:

  • Are a youth worker (youth trainer, youth coach, youth leader, teacher, youth organizer, volunteer, activist, social worker, youth NGO leader, etc.),
  • Resonate with the idea of the project and want to delve deeper into the topics,
  • Are above 18 years old,
  • Are resident in one of the partnership countries: Czech Republic, Cyprus, Lithuania, Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Germany, Spain,
  • Are able to work in English,
  • You will consider travelling to the project by bus or train,
  • You will take a PCR test 72h prior to travelling to Czech Republic.