Обучителен курс в Румъния – “Realitycraft”

 Обучителен курс в Румъния – “Realitycraft” Учене за промянаПОКАНА ЗА УЧАСТНИЦИ

Фондация “Учене за промяна” набира трима участници за обучителен курс в Румъния, 18 – 27.09.2018, финансиран по програма Еразъм +.


Срок за кандидатстване 19.07.2018


Целта на “Realitycraft” е да разкрива и изследва ресурсите на човешкия потенциал чрез природни дейности и практики на внедряване (embodiment), за да допринесе за по-устойчив и приобщаващ свят за всички хора.
Нашите умове и тела притежават удивителни ресурси, неизползвани потенциали и дълбочини, които може би дори не знаем, докато не открием как да ги достигнем, да култивираме техните сили и в крайна сметка да ги интегрираме в нашето ежедневие. В този курс на обучение ще имаме достъп до тези дълбочини и потенциал, за да ги култивираме и довеждаме до нашата общност, за да допринесем за един свят, подобряващ живота.


Работния език е английски.


Ако се интересувате от участие моля да попълните следната електронна форма за кандидатстване не по късно от 19.07.2018 –ТУК

Подробна информация за обучението ще намерите в информационния пакет – ТУК

фейсбук събитието на проекта можете да видите – ТУК

Ето и кратко описание на тренинга:

During the training course we intend to:

– discover the 4 facets connected to the 4 directions of the human psyche based on the model of The Nature based Map of the Human Psyche in order to live our life from wholeness.

– explore the inner soul gifts and resources based on the model of Soulcraft in order to find our place in the World and manifest the soul-gifts.

– bring to life the hidden resources of the human self through embodiment practices and nature-based practices.

– create a commUNITY of heart-minded, dedicated people who create transformational learning environments in order to support and guide the authentic growth of all young people.

Entering the realm of the experience

The participation in this training requires a preparation phase. Those who will be accepted in the training should follow an online learning process (reading different materials, articles, watching videos) related to the topic of the training.  The participants will receive several suggestions for personal work before coming to the program (e.g. journaling on certain questions, self-time in nature and several other invitations).  Applying to this program requires also the commitment to follow the preparation process.

Soul-based work

During the training we wish to create profound experiences. Knowledge, information and facts are very important and will be provided within the training, but what moves us, what drives us to create a long-lasting impact in our field of activity is the joined elements of both intellectual understanding and deep experience processes. We’ll explore the landscape of the psyche through a variety of practices, including creative expression, self-designed ceremony, solo exercises while wandering on the land, group work, embodiment, movement, voice dialogue, journaling, and deep imagery work.

A Vision with a Task

After the training course we want to pay special attention to the dissemination activities, which will contribute to a learning journey and inner growth of youth work. This phase will be as important as the training itself. We want to create a powerful impact through our project. As a continuation of the experience each participant will have to implement at least one ACTION in their own community.